„Portugal - from Porto to Lisbon” August 5-26, 2022
Given names & surname Citizenship Personal code (if existing) Date of birth Place of birth
Passport No. Date of issue Date of expiry Authority
Street address City Postal code Country Telephones E-mail
(type the chosen number of days, and the registration fee will be estimated automatically)
08.05-08.26: days
(If you plan to join 2 times, enter the dates for every part of the route). Date of start 1 Date of finish 1 Date of start 2 Date of finish 2
(just one of below displayed) no discount 15% 10% special discount
15% – long term travellers who cycled in the previous BaltiCCycle tours 100 days and more; if a cyclist reaches 100 days during this ride, the discount is counted from that day;
10% – students (not more than 26 years old), families (3 and more persons);
special – participants who obtain potential sponsors or support organizers before or during the expedition in another way (preparing the route, driving the support car, medical or bicycle service, etc.) will receive a privilege discount negotiated personally;
* NOTE: The discounts are applicable only if the registration and the membership fee are received by the close of the business day on July 10, 2022. Participants who do not have any discount, must pay the fee at least 5 days before their start date; otherwise the fee increases by 10% as well. 1 I would like to use the transportation service for my additional piece of luggage (up 20 kg) – 2 EUR / day. (the transportation of one standard bag is included in the registration fee) 1 I would like to purchase an additional BC2022 T-shirt – 20 EUR / unit. (one T-shirt is free of charge for participants cycling more than 10 days) TOTAL PAYMENT: euro Your comments: I am familiar with the "Conditions of Participation" of the ride and agree with "Rules of Responsibility". In 5 days after sending the Registration Form you will receive the Registration Confirmation Letter. CROTOS Travellers’ Association 6-57, Sobieskiego St. 02-957 Warsaw Poland ING Bank Śląski The Corporation Branch II 45, Malczewskiego St. 02-622 Warsaw Poland nr PL77105010411000002305516409 nr BIC (SWIFT): INGBPLPW ALL BANK REMITTANCE CHARGES MUST BE PAID BY PARTICIPANT. I confirm that the information provided is correct. I hereby agree to the processing of my personal data for the registration purposes in accordance to the Personal Data Protection Act from 10 May, 2018 (Journal of Laws 2018, item 1000). [recaptcha size:compact]