Given names & surname Citizenship Personal code (if existing) Date of birth Place of birth
Passport No Date of issue Date of expiry Issued by
Street address City Postal code Country Telephones E-mail
Membership fee: 25 €/day for 1–30 days 22 €/day for 31–60 days 18 €/day for 61–106 days
Type the number of participation days, the registration fee will be estimated automatically.
Iguazú Falls – Salta 12.02-14.03.2022, 31 days days
Salta – Santiago de Chile 15.03-12.04.2022, 29 days days
Hawaii canceled, 11 days days
Wakkanai – Hakodate 09.07-03.08.2022, 26 days days
Hakodate – Tokyo 04-21.08.2022, 18 days days
TOTAL: days.
* If the registration and the half of participation fee are not received until one month before the start, the membership fee increases by 10%. FEE: €
(If you plan to join several times enter the dates for every part of the route).
Date of start 1 Date of finish 1 Date of start 2 Date of finish 2
(Just one of displayed below.) no discount 15% privilege discount
15% – for the first 60 days for students (until 26 years old), families (3 and more persons traveling together) and BC veterans who cycled more than 100 days in the previous BC tours.**
a privilege discount – negotiated personally for participants who obtain potential sponsors or support organizers before or during expedition in another way (preparing day descriptions, finding sleeping places, servicing bicycles, medical support, etc.).
Data for discount (describe):
* Discounts are applicable if the registration and the half of participation fee are received not later than one month before the start. ** If a cyclist reaches 100 BC days during the first 60 days of his/her participation, the discount is counted from this date for the remaining days up the 60th day. No discounts for the next days, because the membership fee reduces significantly.
1 I would like to use the transportation service for my additional piece of luggage – 2 €/day (no more than 15 kg; 25 kg luggage is included in the registration fee)
1 I will cycle 20 days or less but I would like to purchase BC2020/BC2021 T-shirts – 15 €/unit (for participants who register for more than 20 days – free of charge)
1 I will cycle more than 20 days but I would like to purchase additional BC2020/BC2021 T-shirts – 15 €/unit (one you get free of charge)
Please enter the size of T-shirt
no t-shirtSMLXLXXL
1 EMERGENCY FUND* (days x 2€) (Unspent money from the Emergency Fund will be returned in 30 days after the ride in the proportion of amount of your contribution.)
Your comments:
I am familiar with the "Conditions of Participation" of the ride and agree with "Rules and Treaty for Participation and Responsibility".
In 5 days after the successful registration you will receive email confirmation with total amount of registration fee which must be paid to:
CROTOS Travellers’ Association 6-57, Sobieskiego St. 02-957 Warsaw Poland
ING Bank Śląski The Corporation Branch II 45, Malczewskiego St. 02-622 Warsaw Poland nr PL77105010411000002305516409 nr BIC (SWIFT): INGBPLPW
I confirm that the information provided is correct.
I hereby agree to the processing of my personal data for the registration purposes in accordance to the Personal Data Protection Act from 28 August, 1997 (Journal of Laws No 101, item 926).
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